What kills 285,000 patients every year?

Healthcare Associated Infections (HCAIs).

In 2016/2017 there were an estimated 834 000 HCAIs, costing the NHS £2.7 billion, and accounting for 28 500 patient deaths.

They block beds – extending stays for treatment used up an extra 7.1 million bed-days in 2016/17 – 21% of total bed availability.

They cause staff shortages – 79,700 absent days among front line Healthcare Professionals.

So how do you prevent infection? 

In healthcare interiors, the most important aim are anticipation and prevention.

For some cabinet types, more frequent cleaning actually speeds damage and deterioration, creating bacterial hotspots.

Others have designs that are based on simple kitchen cabinets whose inner surfaces are rough and inaccessible and whose fittings have complex, dirt-harbouring shapes.

Hygenius furniture is different. It’s built for robust cleaning. Panels and surfaces are smoother, stronger and more resistant to damage. Hinges, handles, drawers and worktops are safe and sanitary.

And they stay this way for years – helping you to fight infection for longer in every type of healthcare setting – acute, primary, mental health and even in the laboratory.

Helping you fight infection in Primary, Acute and Mental Health

In primary care, high patient numbers in these settings increases risk for professionals, staff and visitors alike. Our space designs help you reduce this risk by supporting safe working practises and eliminating dirt traps to aid rigorous, effective cleaning.

Although processes and PPE were transformed during the Covid pandemic, old-style space designs and furniture have continued to make infection-fighting harder in acute care. Hygenius FF&E is different. It is designed to help healthcare professionals fight infection through thoughtful design and robust construction.

Mental healthcare. No other healthcare specialism makes such demands of people and places. Our designs go beyond bare standards, to a level of risk awareness a reduction unmatched by other providers.

Visit Stand C14 at IHEEM

As one of the UKs leading providers of FF&E for healthcare environments, we are exhibiting at IHEEM (Healthcare Estates Exhibition) on the 10th and 11th of October at Manchester Central.

We have been serving the NHS and public sector with informed design, bespoke furniture and high-quality cabinetry for over 50 years.

In that time, we have worked with healthcare estates professionals and clinical teams to develop our products until they are unrivalled for long life, risk reduction and infection control.

We look forward to meeting with new and existing clients to network, share ideas and knowledge on how we can deliver safer places for safer people.

To book an appointment with the Hygenius team, fill out the form below and will be in touch.