Situated by the iconic Clydebank crane, the Clydebank Health Centre is improving primary care services in the area and forming the central base for community health teams.

The new facility is described as forming a ‘centre point’ within the Queen’s Quay regeneration area. Residents can access GP practices, podiatry and physiotherapy services plus consulting and treatment rooms. Serving around 47,000 people in the Clydebank area, the building will be home to 340 staff and an additional 300 home carers.

Hygenius provided a full group 1 and 2 FF&E package for the new Clydebank Health Centre consulting rooms, treatment rooms, dirty utilities, clean utilities, storage rooms, offices and staff areas. We also provided bespoke GP reception desks and tea points, including a low-height one for children!

The art on the centre’s main reception desk was designed in Glasgow and produced by Hygenius craftsmen who worked with the solid resin surfacing to embed images of the surrounding natural environment of Clydebank. Natural forms such as the shape and texture of the hills, river, lochs and the Cochno stones are at the centre of the design.

“We’re already seeing the positive impact this new site is having on the community here, as well as on our dedicated staff.”

Jane Grant, Chief Executive – Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Bespoke Joinery For Clydebank Health Centre

A behind the scenes look at how our craftsmen created a solid resin surface featuring artwork of the surrounding landscape of Clydebank.